your first steps to becoming a hunter
The interest and drive to understand and experience hunting is a deep one, going way back through human history. In the modern world today however the opportunities to learn these skills and knowledge are in short supply.
This is why we created our introduction to stalking course, its designed for everyone who is searching for a path to understand the ethos, ethics and practical skills needed to sustainably harvest the land and provide delicious healthy food.
We’ve introduced hundreds of people to hunting, men and women from all sorts of diverse background, its something we feel passionately about and we are incredibly proud of it.
No previous experience is required, so come and join us, you’ll get a warm welcome by the team and we’ll work with you to set you on the right path.
What will you learn?
First and foremost you will learn why we hunt. This is the single most important lesson, the foundation the governs why we do what we do and how we approach it.
You will learn about our ethos, one based on respect, the principles of fair chase and the balance that sound wildlife management brings.
You’ll begin to understand the principles and philosophy of deer management and the practical hunting skills to safely hunt and provide sustainable, healthy supply of meat into the food chain.

Deer Species of the UK
For a quick introduction to the deer species in the UK, and what you might encounter when you’re in the wilds with us, click the button.
What will you experience?
With this new knowledge we’ll then look to develop your practical hunting skills.
This would typically include a safety demonstration and introducing you to your hunting rifle. An afternoon on the range and we’ll have you accurately firing the rifle at a target, and then once you’re comfortable with this we go out into the wilds, to give you your first taste of real hunting.
We’ll guide you step by step on your first hunt, explaining the nature of the deer, how we use the terrain to our advantage and other practical techniques you’ll need as a hunter, as we try to find a suitable deer to take. The next steps will be up to you, but we’ll be supporting all the way.

With luck on our side, you will be successful and you’ll have taken your first deer, after some time for reflection we can then show you how we “gralloch” the animal in the field and give you a butchery demonstration converting the carcass into usual joints of meat and other products for the table.
And once the day is done, we’ll get round the dinner table, share a good meal of venison, you’ll have earned it, and talk over the all stories of the hunt. You’ll be on the path to be a hunter and will have achieved a true field to fork experience.