why does this matter to hunters?
We are living in the age of the human, the Anthropocene epoch, on one hand we are an immense success story on the other, a species that is doing immense damage to the planet.
Whether it’s climate change, loss of natural habitats, dwindling biodiversity, extinction, pollution of the seas, we’ve changed the very fabric of the planet, and we need to act now to reverse these trends, while we have the chance.
This is the responsibility of all facets of society, and hunters have a unique role to play in the fight back.
Real hunters see their role as one of stewardship, managing and harvesting the land, and holding a deep respect for their quarry. This is an ancient relationship and one we want to see survive to the next generations.
As a hunter, how can you help?
Providing education about the role of hunting in wildlife conservation and land management is one of our core beliefs here at South Ayrshire Stalking and we’d love to talk to you about it.
We recognise that it’s an emotive issue with many unable to see the connection, but there are so many ways that you as a hunter can help;
Balance. Humans have long since disrupted the natural balance of the ecosystems they inhabit, breaking predator-prey relationships, altering habitat & disrupting migration routes. Hunting, done correctly, can help re-balance this situation, for example reducing predators to give ground nesting birds a chance to raise young.
Food. Harvesting a free ranging wild animal for food is the most clearly the most ethical and sustainable way to put food on the table. Putting the welfare of the species first and creating a genuine respect for the animal and gratitude for the food. It also asks a lot of wider questions about where and what you’ll spend your money on at the shops.

Economics. Hunters provide the income to protect wild places and keep the wildlife in place, ensuring that habitats are worth more with the wildlife in situ than alternative uses such as agriculture allows local communities to maintain their stewardship of the land.
Connection. Finally the most significant benefit in becoming and being a hunter is the deep connection that it creates between humans and the natural environment. This creates an understanding, respect & love for nature, and once you have that, you want to protect it and educate others about it.
This is just a couple of the ways hunters can help, and every new discussion with our guests and friend brings new ideas and thoughts, we look forward to exploring this with you.
What are we doing about it?
We are extremely proud to be the first business in the UK to be accredited by the 2% for Conservation scheme. This means we have made the commitment to set aside 1% of our turnover and 1% of our time for wildlife and fish conservation-related schemes.

2% for Conservation
The scheme is open to both individuals and businesses, and the work of the members is making a real impact at ground level.